2013-04-30 - Wild dogs kill 200 goats in neighborhood in French Camp (California), may have been captured:
2013-04-30 - Coyotes snatching dogs off the street and from backyards in coastal Orange (Florida):
Quote: "I'm afraid he'll come back for more."
Note: Well, it was a Chihuahua in her case, and to coyotes they're probably like Pringles: you can't eat just one!
2013-04-29 - Swarm of bees attacks religious devotees heading to a temple near Karaikudi (India), 50 injured:
2013-04-29 - Bear attacks vehicle, telephone pole and man on the Kenai Peninsula (Alaska), bear shot and killed:
Quote: "Reports to troopers said the bear had attacked a vehicle, a telephone pole and then the man who was walking on the Kasilof River beach access off Kalifornsky Beach Road."
2013-04-29 - Two pit bulls attack and injure 12-year-old girl in Lebanon (Maine), girl saved by neighbor:
Quote: "'It was really quite terrifying. I didn't have time to be scared,' Horr said. 'I started punching and kicking those dogs as best I could. They took me down twice.' Horr's intervention allowed the girl to escape. Police have said if he had not shown up, the dogs likely would have killed her."
2013-04-29 - Large dog brutally attacks postal worker in North St. Louis County (Missouri), near the Mississippi River:
Quote: "I did receive 36 stitches between my arm and my legs. I’m all torn up; I did have some flesh hanging out so they did have to take care of that. Very painful. I never imagined it would hurt this much."
2013-04-28 - Wild bees descend on man, kill him, injure his dog and chickens, at home in Mazowe District (Zimbabwe):
Quote: "...Chief Chiweshe was an experienced bee-keeper, but the swarm that killed him came from the wild."
2013-04-28 - Pit bull bites six-year-old boy on the neck in coastal Bradenton (Florida):
2013-04-28 - American bulldog bites five-year-old girl in the face:
2013-04-26 - Two pit bulls attack and seriously injure jogger in Palmdale (California):
Quote: "His whole arm was straight open, his rib cage, his skin was hanging, you could see a little bit, it was white. You could see he was all bit up everywhere except his neck and his face..."
2013-04-26 - Three pit bulls rampage around, attack pets, in neighborhood in Fresno (California), pet owner shoots one:
2013-04-24 - Family pit bull attacks and kills 2-year-old toddler at home in Atlanta (Georgia):
2013-04-24 - Coyotes attack and kill Sylvester Stallone's dog in Bel Air (California):
2013-04-22 - Pit bull attacks and injures two young toddlers (ages 1 and 2) in San Bernardino (California):
Quote: "The victims, ages one and two were playing in the back yard of a residence when their family friend's dog savagely attacked the two-year-old in the face. While the parents were rescuing their two-year-old, the 8-year-old pit bull bit and attacked the one-year-old."
Quote: "According to San Bernardino police Lt. Paul Williams, the children have played with the pit bull in the past."
Quote: "The incident is the second pit bull attack in San Bernardino County this week. On Sunday, a 74-year-old woman was attacked by a pit bull. Responding officers attempted to apprehend the pit bull but the dog allegedly attacked them as well. Officers were reportedly forced to shoot the dog."
Note: Dog got a bit face-eaterish there...
2013-04-22 - Dog attacks and injures 4-year-old girl in Prairie City (Iowa):
Quote: "He said he believed the girl might have been bitten on the neck or near her head."
2013-04-21 - Swarm of bees attacks funeral procession in Agar Malwa (India), more than 100 people injured:
Quote: "The incident occurred at around 9.30 am on Shajapur-Kota Road, when the funeral procession of a young couple from the reputed Gawli family was on way to the cremation ground, but suddenly the procession came under the honey-bee attack. Those attending the funeral procession started running helter-skelter due to the attack and were later rushed by a medical team to Civil Hospital and private clinics."
2013-04-21 - Six different incidents involving bee swarms reported in Tuscon (Arizona):
2013-04-21 - Crocodile attacks and lightly injures fisherman off the coast near Darwin (Australia):
2013-04-20 - Alligator attacks and injures 6-year-old boy at the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge in Boynton Beach (Florida):
2013-04-20 - Bees attack people at gathering near Modasa (India), 1 killed, more than 50 injured:
2013-04-20 - Shark attacks and injures man at beach in New South Wales (Australia):
2013-04-19 - Killer bees attack and injure man and horse in Little Belize (Belize):
2013-04-18 - Dog rushes up and bites four-year-old boy in the face in front yard at home in Hyde Park (Utah):
2013-04-18 - Dog attacks and injures man and his dog in Granity City (Illinois), near the Mississippi River, shot dead by cops:
Quote: "When the witness tried to help, the dog turned toward the second man who struck the attacking dog with a brick and a broken piece of asphalt to no avail."
Quote: "When the pit bull lunged towards the officers one shot was fired and the dog retreated for a moment, only to take a second chance at the officers who were forced to shoot a second time, fatally injuring the animal."
Note: It took six bullets to put down the face-eater in Florida too. Might have been a neuro-zombie dog here, with superhuman (supercanine?) durability. It won't just be humans that get their brains fried by neurotoxic hydrogen sulfide, but animals too. Dogs are probably more vulnerable since they sniff along the ground more than people do, and hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas...
2013-04-18 - Bees swarm and kill dog, injure owner, at home in West Park (Florida), 2 miles from the coast:
2013-04-18 - Shark bites and injures 9-year-old boy in coastal Delray Beach (Florida):
2013-04-17 - Two dogs seriously maul woman on her front porch in Detroit (Michigan), cop shoots at least one:
Quote: "Part of her scalp was off, laying on the grass."
2013-04-16 - Killer bees attack and kill 4-year-old child, injure others, at home in Little Belize (Belize):
Quote: "...when I opened his mouth and I saw through the nose, there were lots of bees coming out from the nose and the mouth."
2013-04-15 - Korean tourist attacked and killed by shark in Guam:
2013-04-14 - Shark attacks and bites man at New Smyrna Beach (Florida), 1 lightly injured:
2013-04-14 - Dog attacks firefighter while he fights fire in Hempfield Township (Pennsylvania), 1 lightly injured:
2013-04-14 - Two pit bulls attack man and his dog in the North Valleys area in Reno (Nevada), man shoots them:
2013-04-14 - Pit bull attacks man, traps two people on porch, in coastal Long Branch (New Jersey), cop kills it with shotgun:
Quote: "Long Branch police do not have darts or tranquilizers for sedating animals..."
Note: But they do have 12-gauge perma-sedation devices!
2013-04-12 - Mother, 38, mauled to death by pit bull in Stockton (California):
2013-04-11 - Beaver attacks man and kills him near Lake Shestakov (Belarus):
Quote: "Earlier this week a video was posted on YouTube showing a man in the Tver region, northwest of Moscow, running away from a beaver who charged at him as he was filming in the area. Last year in the US two girls were mauled by a beaver in a lake in Virginia as they swam. They suffered serious bite and scratch injuries. A man was also attacked in New York and an elderly woman in Washington."
2013-04-10 - Bees attack two people at Longonot Crater (Kenya), they fall into crater, 1 killed, 1 missing:
2013-04-10 - Dog attacks and injures elderly woman in Elsmere (Kentucky):
2013-04-08 - Dog attacks and injures woman in coastal Deerfield Beach (Florida):
2013-04-07 - Two dogs attack young boy in coastal Callaway (Florida), boy dies four days later:
2013-04-06 - Dog bites 4-year-old in the face at Market Square in coastalPortsmouth (New Hamphire):
2013-04-05 - Jackals attack and injure 18 people (8 children) and livestock in village in Pakistan:
2013-04-05 - Dogs break through fence and kill two family dogs in Allen (Texas):
2013-04-05 - Dog attacks deputy, deputy shoots it dead, in coastal Deerfield Beach (Florida):
2013-04-04 - Bees swarm out of home, attack and injure several people, kill 4 dogs, in Sahuarita (Arizona):
Quote: "It is the biggest attic hive he has seen in more than 25 years of bee removal."
2013-04-04 - Family dog attacks and seriously injures young boy at home in Westfield (Massachusetts):
Quote: "Fraser said it was the first time, as far as he knows, that the dog has attacked anyone."
Note: The dog was euthanized. It won't only be humans that go crazy from neurological damage caused by breathing neurotoxic hydrogen sulfide, but animals too, of all kinds...
2013-04-03 - Dogs attack and seriously injure young girl at home in Waldorf (Maryland):
2013-04-02 - Shark bites and injures man at beach in Marina Del Rey (California):
2013-04-02 - Coyotes attack woman's dogs in Hunter's Creek subdivision in Howard County (Maryland):
2013-04-01 - Boxer mix bursts through screen door, attacks and injures postal worker in Florissant (Missouri):
Quote: "'I thought I was gonna die,' she said. 'I felt like was being eaten alive. I really did. I thought I was being eaten alive. I didn’t know if I was gonna see my family again or anything.'"
Quote: "The leg wound was particularly gory, with a massive chunk of skin being taken out that may require skin grafts to fully repair."