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2013 - APR - Animal Die-Offs


2013-04-30 - Fish washing up dead at Eagles Mere Lake in Sullivan County (Pennsylvania):

Quote: "In these clear blue waters in Sullivan County, dozens and dozens of dead fish have been floating to the surface. Mostly sunfish, trout and bass have been found dead. Some people who work in the Eagles Mere lake community say it’s more than fishy. 'It's scary because people fish out of there, there's kids in here in the summertime,' said Brittany Mapes of Forksville."

2013-04-30 - Fish bubbling up dead in lake at David City Park in David City (Nebraska):

Quote: "DEQ program specialist David Bubb said that people should avoid contact with the lakes and also keep their children or dogs from touching the water for the next few days."

2013-04-29 - Eighteen birds found dead on street in coastal Yokohama (Japan):

2013-04-29 - Fish reported dying in river on the island nation of Saint Lucia:

2013-04-29 - Fish washing ashore dead in the Big Eau Pleine Reservoir (Wisconsin):

2013-04-28 - Basking shark, 28 feet long, washes ashore dead at beach in Westerly (Rhode Island):

2013-04-26 - Dead humpback whale washes ashore at Canaveral National Seashore (Florida):

2013-04-24 - Fish bubbling up dead in the Loubiere River on the island nation of Dominica:

2013-04-20 - Young lion, 5 years old, found dead on the outskirts of Gorana (India):

2013-04-20 - Six spotted deer found dead in two wells in Morappur (India):

2013-04-18 - Fourteen Bornean elephants killed by 'unidentified toxin' on the island of Borneo:

2013-04-18 - Large number of fish seen dead at Shellmouth Reservoir (Canada):

2013-04-18 - Fish reported dying at Simpson Park Lake in St. Louis County (Missouri):

2013-04-18 - Fish found dead at Hayagriv Madhab Mandir pond in Hajo (India):

2013-04-16 - Unknown flesh-eating 'disease' killing oysters around coastalPort Stephens (Australia):

Quote: "An unknown flesh-eating disease has killed millions of dollars worth of Pacific oysters in Port Stephens New South Wales, and has caused financial devastation for many growers. The Department of Primary Industries said yesterday 15 Apr 2013 it was also investigating mysterious deaths of previously unaffected Sydney rock oysters."

Quote: "Port Stephens oyster growers' industry representative Richard Hamlyn Harris said growers want to know the cause of the disease. 'It's certainly very strange - I haven't come across a set of circumstances like this,' he said."

Note: I wouldn't be so sure it's a disease causing these oysters to die. Hydrogen sulfide can rupture blood vessels. (So look out for mysterious bruising on yourself, with no apparent cause.) Oysters are soft and fleshy. With them it might look like a 'flesh-eating disease'. They have found no disease, so assuming it IS a disease doesn't make sense. It is just as likely to be an environmental problem, a contaminant flowing through there from time to time, possibly hydrogen sulfide. They haven't detected that either, but then again, are they even looking for that? And even if they are, it might not be there when they test if they test only sporadically - it might just flow through in the water occasionally, but often enough to wipe out these oysters...

2013-04-15 - Female elephant, 25, found dead in Coimbatore (India):

Quote: "...there was no external injury mark..."

Note: That's middle-aged for an elephant...

2013-04-15 - Thousands of birds crash out of the sky at Dugway Proving Ground (Utah):

Quote: "As many as 5,000 birds hit the ground, and about a third of them died from the impact."

Note: The official explanation is that the birds thought they were landing on water. If they flewthrough some methane and/or hydrogen sulfide then they might get disoriented and crash out of the sky too. The only way to know the actual cause would be to test the birds (which they didn't) or to ask the birds (which they can't). Ergo, they're guessing...

2013-04-14 - Thousands of fish wash ashore dead at Vasse Estuary at Wonnerup (Australia):

2013-04-14 - Fish found dead in lake in Banabitan (India):

2013-04-13 - Hundreds of sea birds found dead on beaches in Cornwall (Britain):

Note: Carrier pigeons have been disappearing over the ocean between Britain and Scotland - the so-called 'Birdmuda Triangle', as mentioned in the 2012-08-29 update. Birds are flying into pockets of hydrogen sulfide and methane and dying. The incident with the birds plummeting from the sky two New Years Days in a row in Beebe (Arkansas) was for the same reason. They blamed that on fireworks, which is actually partially correct. The birds were startled by the fireworks and took flight...and flew into a cloud of gas, then fell to the ground dead. It was around the time of that first incident that a flock of birds dropped dead outside my home, and I smelled something strange then at the same time, though the smell faded rapidly. That was olfactory paralysis - you rapidly lose your ability to smell hydrogen sulfide in any significant concentration. That was the night I went from being 99% sure this extinction event was under way to being 100% sure. That was also in the wee hours, around 3 AM, when the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane floating above closer to the ground. I think I'm lucky to have survived that night...

2013-04-12 - Dead birds found near the shoreline at Marabella on the island of Trinidad:

Quote: "Two days after more than 100 dead and sick corbeaux were found at the heliport in Chaguaramas, dead birds have turned up near the shoreline at Marabella."

2013-04-11 - Fish seen floating dead in Stewart Lake in Woodbury (New Jersey):

Quote: "She has lived in the area for 15 years and this is the first time she’s seen a massive fish kill like this, but according to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Peters and her neighbors have nothing to worry about."

Note: Yeah, well, I think I'll believe the 15 years of experience in that area, personally. It's kinda funny how they're trying to keep people from noticing what's happening. If it's cold, then the cold killed the fish. If it's hot, then the heat killed the fish. If it's in between then it's the transition from cold to warmth that killed the fish. In other words, no matter when fish die, or what type, or how often, or where it occurs, you are supposed to believe that it's all completely normal. Uh huh, well, I call BS on that.

2013-04-11 - Dolphin washes ashore dead near the Oceanic Bridge in Middletown (New Jersey):

2013-04-10 - Seemingly healthy race horses dropping dead at alarming rate in California:

Quote: "The main necropsy findings were the severe diffuse pulmonary edema and the multifocal pulmonary hemorrhage, which are indicative of acute severe respiratory distress, the cause of which remains undetermined..."

Note: Hydrogen sulfide poisoning can cause all of that. California is downwind of the dead zone known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which is surely pluming hydrogen sulfide now. Also, seemingly healthy PEOPLE are dropping dead too, and not just in California. You'd think someone might be concerned about that too...

2013-04-09 - Seventeen dolphins found dead on beaches around Adelaide (Australia) in last 5 weeks:

Quote: "Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society education manager Mike Bossley said he was concerned the deaths were symptoms of a deep-rooted problem. The overall number of dolphin deaths was worst he had seen in his 25 years working in the area. 'Large die-offs have happened in other parts of the world, and without wanting to sound alarmist, I am worried that could happen here,' Dr. Bossley said. 'The reason I'm worried ... is because I've never seen this number of deaths before and I'm worried it is a prelude of what is to come.'"

Note: It is indeed a prelude of what is to come...

2013-04-09 - Four kangaroos found dead in Plenty Gorge Parklands (Australia):

Quote: "Parks Victoria ranger Barry Coombes said the kangaroos, including the mutilated one, showed no other obvious injuries or disease symptoms that would have explained why they were dead."

Note: One was beheaded, but as they point out, that may have been done post-mortem, by someone finding the bodies and wanting a kangaroo head for some reason. Otherwise, no signs of injury or disease, just dropped dead...

2013-04-08 - Around 150 dead birds found near heliport in coastal Chaguaramas on the island of Trinidad:

2013-04-08 - Dead fish showing up in the Huangpu River in coastal Shanghai (China):

2013-04-08 - Ducklings found dead at Botanical Garden on the island of Bermuda:

2013-04-07 - Thousands of fish found dead at pier on Lake Erie in Cleveland (Ohio):

2013-04-07 - Fish reported dying in Sijing Pond and Dongjiang Harbor (China):

2013-04-07 - Massive fish kill reported at lake in Dannemore (Sweden):

2013-04-05 - Thousands of fish found dead in Lake Xolotlan in Managua (Nicaragua):

2013-04-05 - Pheasant count taken by hunters lowest in a decade in South Dakota:

Quote: "Tony Leif, director of the Game, Fish & Parks Wildlife Division, said he saw a spike in the natural mortality rate of adult pheasants in the summer and early fall months like he has never seen before, which he attributed to last year's hot, dry weather."

Note: Tony probably has no idea that the atmosphere is being contaminated with poisonous hydrogen sulfide and suffocating methane, so he's not going to attribute any of the never-before-seen mortality to that, even though it is surely a factor...

2013-04-04 - Around 600% increase year-over-year in sea lions stranding at beaches from Santa Barbara to San Diego (California):

Quote: "...because of the high number of beached sea lions, NOAA has been granted an official declaration of what's called an Unusual Mortality Event (UME)."

2013-04-04 - Many crayfish dying in the Marianne River on the island of Trinidad:

2013-04-03 - Hundreds of dead fish reported in the Rock River (Illinois):

Quote: "One area man says he counted dozens of dead bluegill, catfish, carp and other kinds of fish floating in the river."

2013-04-03 - Fish found dead in the Thermalito Afterbay (California):

Quote: "My wife and a close friend tried to fish our 'honey hole' recently, in the northwestern corner. They caught no fish, but discovered six large bass and a catfish floating dead."

Quote: "...to kill a catfish is difficult..."

2013-04-03 - Elephant found dead at Elaramathikadu (India):

Quote: "According to a veterinarian, who examined the pachyderm said the cause of death was some illness."

Note: Illness caused by breathing poison gas perhaps?

2013-04-02 - Around 70-100 fish found dead in Brittain Creek at Patton Park in Hendersonville (North Carolina):

2013-04-02 - Fish kill reported at Big Eau Pleine Reservoir near Wausau (Wisconsin):

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