Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-01 - Sawdust silo bursts into flame at furniture plant in Bradford (Vermont):
Quote: "Copeland Furniture makes products for companies such as Crate and Barrel. On Tuesday, firefighters responded to a sawdust fire at the Ethan Allen furniture plant in Orleans."
Note: I had to do a double-take on this story, thought maybe they'd confused something with the Ethan Allen fire. But nope, different company here, different day, but otherwise, same exact scenario. Silos at a wood pellet plant also burst into flame recently in North Clarendon (Vermont), as mentioned in the 2013-04-27 update. So that's three sets of silos containing flammable absorbent materials (sawdust, sawdust, wood pellets) bursting into flame in a span of about 4 days. Well, I did mention in the full hypothesis that wood-related businesses were going to burn hard...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-02 - Massive wildfire breaks out between Camarillo and Newbury Park (California), near the coast, grows to 10,000 acres:
Quote: "Firefighters on the scene radioed that Naval Base Ventura County, which is backed up to the Pacific Ocean, should be advised that flames had leapt the iconic coastal highway that was the only barrier beween the fire and the facility."
Quote: "Hazmat teams are trying to contain a massive California wildfire that is threatening 2,000 homes. Locals are being warned not to inhale the smoke - especially since highly toxic pesticides have caught fire and are releasing dangerous chemical fumes. And while smoke inhalation is never healthy, the fumes of this wildfire are particularly dangerous: fire officials on Thursday warned that a store of highly toxic pesticides caught fire at an agricultural property in Laguna Farms, near the university campus."
Note: I did mention there'd be more coastal fires. This fire burned right to the ocean, and it's huge, devastating, fierce. Is this fire as destructive as the inferno that destroyed an entire community near coastal Myrtle Beach in March? (Mentioned in the 2013-03-16 update.) Not yet, but this fire's still got legs...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-03 - Fishing boat bursts into flame, starts itself, smashes into other vessels, in coastal Coffs Harbour (Australia):
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like battery cables and wiring on vehicles of all kinds. This is now the 5th event that I know of involving a motor or vehicle starting itself. This may be because a fire involving hydrogen sulfide's reactivity with copper might melt away insulation on wiring and the vehicle then basically 'hot-wires' itself and starts its own engine. And then you end up with a 'ghost vehicle' starting itself and moving around on its own, quite possibly while it's burning, as in this case...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-04 - Passenger plane engine bursts into flame, explosion mentioned, makes emergency landing in Helsinki (Finland):
Quote: "A photo published by Finland’s YLE showed a fire burning in the left wing of the aircraft and the broadcaster reported that passengers heard an explosion."
Note: Flying through an increasingly flammable atmosphere is seriously beginning to seem less than safe, to me anyway. A refueling plane exploded in midair then crashed after takeoff from a US-run base in Kyrgyzstan just the day prior, as mentioned in the 2013-05-03 update...

Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-05-05 - Atlantic Ocean temps off the US Northeast now the highest in recorded history (150 years):
Quote: "A deviation in average temperature by more than a degree is uncommon; this increase, from the average of 54.3 degrees F. over past 30 years to 57.2 degrees F. in the second half of last year is the highest jump measured. It is also an amount of warming not seen in any other ocean."
Note: That large temperature increase is surely why the methane clathrate deposits off the US East Coast are now dissociating. There are around 2,500 megatons of methane in those deposits alone, which if distributed efficiently and detonated would be enough to completely destroy the largest thousand cities on Earth. And that's just the proverbial tip of the iceberg; other methane deposits are now dissociating too. It is strange that scientists are all so willing to talk about the global warming aspects of these methane releases, but few speak about how flammable methane is, and the devastating fires and explosions that will result from a methane-infused atmosphere. And that's without factoring in oceanic hydrogen sulfide releases. I guess they'll wake up once the fires and explosions get devastating enough, and that's just a matter of time now...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-06 - Another underground electrical fire hits downtown Albany (New York):
Quote: "It's the fourth time since September this has happened."
2013-05-06 - Underground electrical explosion and fire blows manhole off in Dubuque (Iowa):
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like underground facilities. It is also an explosively flammable gas and it is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities. As a consequence, as the atmosphere becomes increasingly contaminated by hydrogen sulfide, not only are more people and animals dropping dead, and not only are more vehicles of all kinds - and homes and businesses - bursting into flame and/or exploding, but there is also a rising number of underground electrical fires and explosions occurring in towns and cities all over. Dubuque lies along the western shore of the Mississippi River...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-07 - Underground electrical explosion and fire, Empire State Building loses power, in coastal New York City (New York):
Note: Two similar events happened the day prior, one in Albany (New York) and one in Dubuque (Iowa), as mentioned in the 2013-05-06 update. The underground electrical fire in Albany was the fourth in that city since September, 2012. Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like basements, underground parking garages, sewers, underground electrical facilities, etc. It is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that used in underground electrical infrastructure. So as the atmosphere becomes increasingly contaminated, more undergound electrical fires and explosions are obviously one consequence...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-08 - Underground explosion and fire knocks out power in East Rutherford (New Jersey):
Note: And the day prior, a similar event happened in coastal New York City (New York), as mentioned in the 2013-05-07 update. And the day before that, two similar events happened, in Albany (New York) and in Dubuque (Iowa), as mentioned in the 2013-05-06 update. Many more underground explosions and fires have occurred in the last year or so, and these events are clearly escalating as our atmosphere continues to be contaminated by hydrogen sulfide coming from the oceans. Hydrogen sulfide is a highly flammable heavier-than-air gas which will seek out low-lying areas like basements, underground parking garages, underground electrical facilities, etc. It is also reactive with copper, especially electrified copper like that found in vehicles and homes and businesses and in underground electrical facilities. This problem may ultimately be what permanently turns off the lights for human civilization...

Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-05-09 - Persistent 'rotten egg' smell coming off the ocean in coastal Quincy (Massachusetts):
Note: Hydrogen sulfide smells like 'rotten eggs' in very low concentrations. At higher concentrations you either don't smell it at all, or the smell fades rapidly, and it may then have a different odor, which people describe differently depending on the individual: chemically, 'sickly sweet', 'flowery', etc. And the ability to smell it still fades rapidly, since hydrogen sulfide causes olfactory paralysis. So they're probably getting hit with hydrogen sulfide in low concentration. But it's a heavier-than-air gas, so it will accumulate in low-lying areas and concentrate over time, possibly to dangerous or lethal levels...

Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-05-10 - Mystery plane flying low over coastal Quincy (Massachusetts), from dusk to dawn:
Note: In the 2013-05-09 update, I mentioned that a persistent 'rotten egg' odor has been coming off the ocean at Quincy (Massachusetts). That's what hydrogen sulfide smells like in low concentrations. This plane is flying at night. As mentioned, once the Sun sets, the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane in the atmosphere above closer to the ground. So it's possible this plane is flying over Quincy for one or more of the following reasons: 1) to monitor hydrogen sulfide and methane concentrations in the atmosphere there; 2) to try some sort of mitigation tactic to alleviate the problem as best they can; 3) to act as a spotter so that the corpses of people who die from hydrogen sulfide poisoning can be cleared off the streets before large numbers of people get moving in the morning and see them.
The residents have been unable to find out who is operating the plane or for what purpose. Some of the answers they've gotten are less than reassuring:
Quote: "It’s not the state or local police doing the flying, and the FAA is giving out little information, even to city officials. 'It’s frustrating, it really is,' says City Councillor Brian Palmucci. 'I specifically asked, "Is it a law enforcement flight? Can we tell people that?" He said, "No, we can’t tell you that." Then I asked that when folks call me can I at least tell them that it is something that they shouldn’t worry about, it’s something they shouldn’t be concerned with?He said, "I can’t tell you that."’”
Note: So, 'rotten egg' odor coming off the ocean, mystery plane buzzing the city at night, and secrecy abounds. Hmmmm...

Category: Land Subsidence Events
2013-05-11 - Homes subsiding and cracking apart in Lakeport (California), 8 now abandoned, 10 more face imminent evacuation:
Note: Bad situation for the folks here. Their homes are being destroyed one by one, but insurance doesn't cover it, so they're stuck paying upwards of $200k-$250k for piles of rubble or declaring bankruptcy...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-12 - Massive inferno destroys 37 buses at depot near Newquay (Britain), a third of company's fleet wiped out:
Quote: "The blaze in Summercourt, near Newquay, Cornwall, broke out at about 1am today and caused significant disruption to services in the middle of the county, including some school buses."
Quote: "I was terrified to be honest. It was quite windy so the fire was spreading really quickly - thank God in the opposite direction to us. Once it had caught all the buses that were down there, the flames were enormous, 50 or 60ft easily with billowing black smoke. It was really intense."
Quote: "Once the fire was confirmed out it was established that a total of 37 buses had been involved."
Quote: "The scale of the blaze means that bus services across Mid Cornwall will be affected, with no park and ride service from Truro operating today. Disruption to school and general bus services is also expected."
Note: This is the new record for most buses burning up in one fire. The previous record was 30 buses, when a huge fire broke out at a bus depot in Seoul (South Korea), as mentioned in the 2013-01-15 update. The record for most semis burning up in one fire is 11, when a blaze hit a truck repair shop in New Windsor (New York), mentioned in the 2013-03-21 update. The record for most boats burning up in one fire is 58, which were consumed in a devastating fire on Norris Lake in Lafollette (Tennessee), mentioned in the 2012-09-10 update. And the record for most vehicles of any type burning up in one fire is 200, when a vehicle storage facility filled with RVs, boats and collector cars went up in flames in Mishawaka (Indiana), mentioned in the 2013-02-11 update.
There is a town in Illinois that is now renting garbage trucks because they lost all of theirs in a fire. As this problem escalates, eventually there will be no garbage trucks left TO rent and garbage pickup will end, first in one town or city then another and so on. The same goes for delivery of food to grocery stores and delivery of fuel to gas stations as semis and tanker trucks are wiped out. We could at least postpone these hardships by confronting reality and taking some simple steps, like parking vehicles well away from each other. They might only have lost ONE bus in this fire if they'd taken just that one precautionary step. Now mass transit and kids getting to school has been disrupted in that area, probably significantly.
By ignoring the atmospheric problem that is upon us, we hasten and exacerbate hardship and accelerate our demise. Is that really what people want to do? Will people still think that was wise when they're starving, they can't get fuel, and garbage is piling up everywhere? We will see...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-13 - Underground explosions and fire ignite cars, cut power, in coastal Brooklyn (New York):
Quote: "Several manholes exploded in Brooklyn on Monday, setting cars on fire and sending people running for their safety."
Quote: "And when the manholes did blow, at least two had cars sitting on top of them. Hernan Gonzalez came home to find his car burned to a crisp on the bottom with the bumper off, with the manhole still smoking underneath."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and will seek out low-lying areas like underground electrical facilities, sewers, basements, underground parking garages, etc. It's also highly flammable and reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities. If you have a vehicle, you might not want to park right on top of - or even near - any manholes. Might wanna be cautious about WALKING over them too, for that matter...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-14 - Shrimp boat bursts into flame in coastal Tarpon Springs (Florida), burns and sinks:
Quote: "At about 8 p.m. Tuesday, the Skye Marie, an 85-foot shrimp boat moored at the fueling station on the Anclote River's south bank, caught fire."
Quote: "Longtime residents said that it was one of the worst fires ever seen in the area."
Quote: "A witness, 53-year-old Bill Gresko, saw 5-foot-high flames sprint across the river and ignite a dock on the opposite shore. 'It was almost in an instant,' said Gresko, who has worked as a sponge diver for 30 years and said he had had never seen anything like it. 'For almost half an hour the river was on fire.'"
Quote: "Boat owner Billy Harris of Port Richey told the Times he had just put $18,000 worth of fuel into the boat. He says he has no idea what started the fire. 'There was no power to it,' he said. 'An act of God, I guess.' Harris said he has no insurance for the boat, which is named after his granddaughter."

Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-05-15 - Passenger plane skids off runway into the Kaligandaki River (Nepal), 21 injured (4 critically):
Quote: "One of the wheels of the plane had problem while landing. The plane skidded off the runway and fell into the Kaligandaki River flowing alongside..."
Note: From the full hypothesis: "As planes land, they will more frequently blow tires, or their landing gear will collapse, or they will run off runways." A plane just ran off the runway in McMinnville (Oregon) too, as mentioned in the 2013-05-13 update.
Hydrogen sulfide is being absorbed by tire rubber. Then when brakes are applied, the brake-friction generates more heat than normal, since hydrogen sulfide burns very hot. Then bad things can happen: tires explode or ignite, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. With planes what usually happens is one or more tires blow or the brakes burn out. When the tires blow, if it's a small plane, then the strut digs into the ground and the landing gear collapses. When the brakes burn out then you get planes running off the runway. This usually happens after landing - as in this case - because that's when planes generally hit their brakes hardest...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-16 - Mysterious powerful explosion shakes the ground, rattles homes and windows, in Buckeye Lake (Ohio):
Note: These mysterious explosions - of which there have been many - are likely caused by atmospheric hydrogen sulfide and/or methane plumes finding an ignition source and detonating. As time goes on and the atmosphere becomes increasingly contaminated with both gases, these explosions are highly likely to destroy entire neighborhoods and quite possibly entire towns and large sections of cities...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-17 - Underground electrical explosion blows pavement apart, leaves crater, in Stevenage (Britain):
Quote: "Police were called to the scene of the explosion in Town Square on a pedestrian walkway in front of Mecca Bingo at quarter to one last night."
Quote: "The underground electrical explosion blew some paving apart, leaving a crater in the pavement which was cordoned off at 1.23am for public safety."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is a heavier-than-air gas and will seek out low-lying areas like underground electrical facilities, sewers, basements, etc. It's also highly flammable and reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like that found in underground electrical facilities. There have been many similar events recently, especially in the last several months...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-18 - Passenger plane bursts into flame after landing at airport in Moscow (Russia):
Quote: "The plane’s left landing gear leg caught fire upon landing. Preliminary reports suggest the brake wheels were destroyed..."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is being absorbed into tire rubber and probably brake pads. Then when brakes are applied, the brake-friction generates more heat than normal (because hydrogen sulfide burns very hot), and then bad things can happen: tires ignite or explode, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. Many planes have experienced landing gear issues in the last year or so as a consequence. Mostly they blow tires or run off the runway and on small planes often the landing gear collapses, but obviously sometimes their landing gear is going to ignite, just as tires and brakes are igniting on ground vehicles...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-19 - Major fire guts part of electrical substation near coastal Accra (Ghana), power cuts ensue:
Quote: "Residents of some parts of Accra are to experience power outages following a fire outbreak that gutted portions of the Electricity Company of Ghana’s (ECG’s) main substation at Achimota yesterday."
Note: This event is not all that different from the many underground electrical fires occurring in towns and cities all over; it was just above ground this time. Hydrogen sulfide is reactive with copper, especially electrified copper, like wiring in vehicles, and wiring in electrical facilities of all kinds, like this one. Eventually this copper reactivity problem may turn off the lights permanently, everywhere. Accra is no little village; it's a major metropolitan center. This is a portent of things to come in all cities...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-20 - RV bursts into flame, fire spreads to towed pickup truck, both destroyed, on I-70 near Englewood (Ohio):
Quote: "Mangas said the owners reported they had bought the RV and truck new less than a month ago and recently got warranty work done. No one was injured but damages were estimated at $325,000 for the RV and $50,000 for the truck."
Note: They were towing the truck, and this was probably a heavy RV too, so that's a lot of mass. The fire broke out in the rear of the RV. That was likely the brakes or tires igniting from an abnormal amount of heat being generated from the brake-friction, caused by hot-burning hydrogen sulfide having been absorbed into the tire rubber and brake pads. This problem is hitting massive vehicles the worst, though no vehicle is immune...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-21 - Mammoth blaze erupts at landfill in Tiruchirapalli (India), choking smoke envelops neighborhoods:
Quote: "S.P. Saravanan, former councillor who has been campaigning for shifting the dump, termed the fire unprecedented and said residents in Jaganathapuram and Venkateswara Nagar were being forced to move out of the area."
Quote: "The thick smoke is causing suffocation. I have closed my unit and moved out. Some other residents in Jaganathapuram are moving out of their houses..."
Note: From the full hypothesis: "Trash-related facilities such as recycling centers and landfills will burn hard too, as hydrogen sulfide is absorbed into flammable absorbent materials like wood, paper, cardboard, straw, hay, dried brush, generic trash, clothing, cotton, wool."

Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-05-22 - Passenger bus slams into nine vehicles, in Thakkarbapanagar (India), several injured:
Quote: "Early on Wednesday morning, a team of forensic science laboratory evaluated the bus and found that the brakes had failed and that the driver must have lost control after that."
Note: Hydrogen sulfide is being absorbed into tires and brake pads. Then when brakes are applied, the heat generated is abnormally hot, because hydrogen sulfide burns very hot. Then bad things can happen: tires ignite or explode, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. This affects massive vehicles the most because they require the most brake-friction to slow and they also tend to have the most tires. That means the vehicles most vulnerable to this problem are large RVs, buses, car-hauler trucks, tractor trailers, tanker trucks, dump trucks, log trucks, garbage trucks, that sort of thing. This problem does affect smaller vehicles too - no vehicle is immune - but less so, simply because they have much less mass...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-23 - Passenger plane bursts into flame, lands at Heathrow in coastal London (Britain) with right engine burning:
Quote: "Eyewitnesses described seeing smoke billowing from the plane, with the right engine on fire."
Quote: "I'm absolutely certain that as it came through the clouds, and I looked up ... the right engine was on fire. It wasn't smoking, it was actually on fire."
Quote: "We could just see the right engine on fire. It was absolutely horrendous to see."
Quote: "A loud popping sound after take-off..."
Note: First, planes started coming down with 'smoke in the cabin' or 'smoke in the cockpit'. It was just a matter of time until planes began coming down on fire. With an atmosphere filling up with flammable methane and hydrogen sulfide, how could it be otherwise? We'll be seeing more of this, eventually culminating in planes being obliterated by explosions while in flight, and then our days of flying will pretty much be over. From all the ground vehicles bursring into flame, it doesn't look like our driving days will last all that much longer either...

Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-05-24 - RV towing Jeep veers off road at 5:45 AM, plows through stuff, in St. George (Utah), 2 killed, 8 lightly injured:
Quote: "The 40-foot RV, with a 4-door Jeep in tow, was traveling southbound around 5:45 a.m. between the exits of St. George Boulevard and Bluff Street when it careened off the freeway. 'Looks like a mechanical issue with the tire that might have blown,' Trooper Pastor said, adding that investigators found shreds of the front right tire on the roadway."
Quote: "The RV then traveled hundreds of feet down an embankment, across a street, over a field, toppling a fence and cinder block wall and clean through the garage of a duplex. The RV finally stopped just inches from the duplex on the other side of the street."
Quote: "The vehicle was towing a Jeep Wrangler, which became stuck in the first unit that the motorhome smashed through..."
Note: Tire rubber and brake pads are absorbing hydrogen sulfide. Then when brakes are applied, more heat than normal is generated, since hydrogen sulfide burns very hot. Then bad things can happen: tires ignite or explode, brakes burn out or ignite, fluid lines rupture, the entire vehicle goes up in flames, or all of the above. This affects massive vehicles the most - like large RVs with tow vehicles, as in this case - because they require more brake-friction to slow and also tend to have more tires. This was a lot of mass here: a 40-foot RV, plus a towed Jeep, plus 10 people, plus probably lots of stuff to accomodate 10 people...

Category: Corpses In Low-Lying Areas
2013-05-25 - Two charred corpses found in burning vehicle in coastal Nassau in the Bahamas:
Quote: "Two (2) people were found burnt beyond recognition inside a vehicle off Carmichael Road on Saturday 25th May, 2013."
Note: From the full hypothesis: "Vehicles of all kinds will continue to burn, as they have been, and the number of vehicular fires will continue to escalate, inevitably resulting in a correspondingincrease in the number of people being incinerated in their vehicles."

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-26 - Home expodes and burns in Fort Worth (Texas):
Quote: "Homeowner Paige Pauley told News 8 she smelled what she thought was sewer gas overnight. She called a plumber, but before he got there, she turned on the hot water faucet and there was a blast."
Quote: "Pauley said first noticed an odd smell late Saturday. 'I thought my sewer line had popped,' Pauley said Sunday afternoon in a telephone interview. 'It smelled like sewer gas so I just moved to the other end of the house.' Pauley said the smell wasn't bad on Sunday morning."
Note: One of the more common names for hydrogen sulfide is 'sewer gas'. So, three possible sources for the gas here: 1) it came into her home via the sewers; 2) it's a water-soluble gas and it came in through the water supply then evaporated out; 3) it came in via the atmosphere and was sucked in via her central AC system. It's a heavier-than-air gas, so however it got into this house, it would tend to flow to the basement and accumulate there, and that's where water heaters are located. So it accumulated in the basement between Saturday and Sunday and when she turned on her hot water, the water heater flame activated (beyond pilot light status), and that ignited the gas, and BOOM, explosion and fire. The lady and the dogs in this story are lucky to even be alive...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-27 - Fire erupts on the Royal Caribbean cruise ship 'Grandeur of the Seas', cruise cancelled, ship stranded in the Bahamas:
Quote: "...the lifeboats at muster stations were lowered and opened as passengers had to stand in place wearing life jackets for over four hours."
Quote: "Photos show fire damage extending across at least four decks."
Quote: "The fire is the latest in a series of serious incidents on cruise ships that have shaken the industry, and it comes just four months after a fire left a Carnival ship dead in the water in the Gulf of Mexico."

Category: Unusual Vehicular Accidents
2013-05-28 - Freight train hits tractor trailer, derails, massive explosion and fire ensue, in White Marsh (Maryland), HazMat responds:,0,6849185.story
Quote: "A cargo train derailed Tuesday in a Baltimore suburb and an explosion could be heard for miles, collapsing nearby buildings and setting them on fire, officials and witnesses said."
Quote: "A worker at a nearby Dunkin Donuts, Tawan Rai, reached by The Associated Press by phone, said he saw a fire and flames by the railroad tracks at first, then felt a thundering blast that sent smoke pouring into the sky."
Quote: "Several nearby buildings collapsed, police said. The side of a large building next to the tracks appears to be blown off. The derailment occurred in the area of Lake Drive and 66th Street."

Category: Other Stories Of Interest
2013-05-29 - Enbridge Energy Partners fights for right to reject crude oil with high levels of hydrogen sulfide:
Quote: "The pipeline operator made the application just three days after the vapours in one crude tank at Berthold terminal in North Dakota were sampled and found to contain H2S at an extremely high concentration of 1200 parts per million, more than enough to be fatal."
Quote: "Hydrogen sulphide is explosive when mixed with air, and can cause severe corrosion to oil field equipment including pipelines."
Note: It can cause corrosion to all steel and concrete, not just oil field equipment...
Quote: "The characteristic rotten egg smell is detectable at concentrations well under 1 ppm, and becomes sickly sweet over 30 ppm, but is dangerously odourless when the concentration rises over 100 ppm because the olfactory nerves in the nose are paralysed. Concentrations of as little as 50-200 ppm can cause shock, convulsions and coma. Inhaling H2S in excess of 1,000 ppm will cause immediate respiratory paralysis followed by death according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ('Report to Congress on Hydrogen Sulfide Air Emissions Associated with the Extraction of Oil and Gas' 1993)."
Quote: "In the next shipping cycle after the April 1 restrictions on competitor pipelines went into effect, there was a dramatic increase to the proportion of crude tendered to Enbridge North Dakota with high levels of hydrogen sulfide."
Quote: "Most oil and gas fields produce some hydrogen sulphide but the proportion varies widely. Oil fields tend to produce relatively little, while in a gas field the proportion can rise to 40 percent or even 90 percent. Twenty 'vulnerability zones' have been identified in the United States which are especially prone to hydrogen sulphide in underground formations linked with oil and gas."
Note: Lots of interesting information here. Maybe what's most interesting is that hydrogen sulfide levels are apparently rising. The ancient anaerobic bacteria that biogenically generate hydrogen sulfide like warm temps, water and low oxygen levels. With the obvious rise in volcanism around the world, it seems reasonable to think that heat is rising from the core of the Earth to the surface. This will expand the territory of those bacteria, not just in the oceans, seas and lakes, but possibly in underground areas near or below the water table too. Those bacteria also eat methane, which is the primary 'ingredient' in natural gas. So they may be below ground now, growing their numbers as the environment increasingly suits them, resulting in higher H2S concentrations in gas and oil deposits. This may explain all the fracking too - to get that natural gas out of the ground before those ancient anaerobic bacteria use it as food and convert it into deadly and explosively flammable hydrogen sulfide.

Category: Corpses In Low-Lying Areas
2013-05-30 - Missing boater, 40, washes ashore dead tethered to his boat, in Cuba:
Quote: "The Coast Guard received a distress radio beacon from Rydberg's boat around 4 a.m. on May 14th, 30 miles north of Key West. They launched a crew but weren't able to find Rydberg or his boat. They called off the search four days later."
Note: The wee hours are when the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane floating in the atmosphere above closer to the ground, making explosions, fires and hydrogen sulfide poisoning events more common during those hours. I mentioned this man when he went missing, in the 2013-05-22 update. Lots of fishermen have gone missing similarly, though usually they find their empty 'ghost boat' first then the corpse(s) later. This story here sorta reminds me of 'Dracula', where the ship washed ashore with the captain tied to the wheel...

Category: Fires And Explosions
2013-05-31 - Huge inferno devours thousands of pallets at pallet yard at 3:30 AM, lights up the night sky, in Doncaster (Britain):
Quote: "All the pallets, many thousands of them, have been destroyed in the fire."
Note: The wee hours are when the atmosphere cools and contracts, which will push any hydrogen sulfide or methane floating in the atmosphere above closer to the ground, making explosions, fires and hydrogen sulfide poisoning events more common during those hours.
There have been numerous pallet fires over the past year or so, some of them simply gigantic. Pallets have a number of vulnerabilities to the atmospheric hydrogen sulfide and methane problem. First, they're made of wood, and all flammable absorbent materials are absorbing hydrogen sulfide and/or methane and spontaneously combusting, including wood, paper, cardboard, sawdust, dried brush, mulch, hay, straw, clothing, cotton, wool, etc. Secondly, they're held together with steel nails or screws, which rust, and hydrogen sulfide is reactive with rusty iron/steel; sparking and fire can result from contact between rusty iron/steel and gaseous hydrogen sulfide, no flame or heat source necessary. Finally, pallets are often kept outside, where they are fully exposed to any hydrogen sulfide or methane blowing by in the atmosphere. Consequently, there've been lots of pallet-related fires. Wood porches and decks and fences all have these same vulnerabilities, although they are usually better-protected with sealants or paint or both...